Thursday, June 9, 2011


 Tritium emits beta particles of very low energy. It does not pose any external radiation hazard; it poses internal hazard if ingested. Tritium is the least toxic of all radioactive materials. But we must control all tritium intakes. Tritium is the least toxic of all radioactive materials, not posing any external hazard but internal hazard if ingested

 “Tritium is very difficult to remove from the body.”
It is not true. Tritium is another form of hydrogen; like ordinary hydrogen it reacts with oxygen and forms tritiated water. Ninety seven per cent of tritium entering the body remains in soft tissue, will reach equilibrium in 2 hours and will get removed with a typical half period of 6 days, through urine and perspiration.

 Three per cent remains for a longer period (about 40 days). The two components are considered in calculating the radiation dose. Tritium’s physical half life of 12.3 years is not relevant.

 We can remove tritium faster by drinking more fluids and water. Administering diuretics to the workers is another effective method (diuretics are drugs that help to remove water from body). This has to be done under medical supervision.

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