Tuesday, November 1, 2016

TNPSC - General Science Quiz

1.Unicellular plants found floating in oceans and freshwaters are called
Algae Zoo Planktons Phyto Planktons Epiphytes

2.The hypothesis of one gene, one protein was prosposed by
Barrel & Farrel, 1976 Beadle & Tatum 1940 Beerman, 1967 Thomas, 1969

3.Plants receive their nutrients mainly from
Haploids Diploids Polyploid Tetraploids

4.Under certain conditions algae produce _______ that is dense masses of material
Chlorella Spirullina Blooms None of these

5.Pollination by Bat is called
Anemophily zoophily entomphily Zeropteriphily

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