Monday, January 27, 2020

Diffie Hellman key exchange algorithm

  1. In Public key encryption schemes are secure only if authenticity of the public key is assured.
  2. Diffie-Hellman key exchange is a simple public key algorithm.
  3. The protocol enables 2 users to establish a secret key using a public key scheme based on discrete algorithms.
  4. The protocol is secure only if the authenticity of the 2 participants can be established.
  5. or this scheme, there are 2 publicly known numbers :
    • A prime number q
    • An integer α that is a primitive root of q.
    (Note: Premitive root of a prime number P is one, whose powers module P generate all the images from 1 to P-1)
  6. Suppose users A and B wish to exchange the key.
    User A selects a random integer XA<q and computes
    YA=αXAmod q
  7. User B independently selects a random integer XB<q and compute
    YB=αXBmod q
  8. Each side keeps X value private and makes Y value available publicly to the other side user A computes the key as:
    k=(YB)XAmod q
    User B computes the key as :
    k=(YA)XBmod q
    The calculations produce identical results :
    k=(YB)XAmod q>calculated by user A=(αXBmod q)XAmod q=(αXB)XA(mod q)>By rules of modular arithmetic=αXB XAmod q=(αXA)XBmod q
    k=(αXAmod q)XBmod q
  9. Diffie Hellman key Exchange Algorithm
    1. k=(YA)XBmodq -> same as calculated by B
    2. Global Public Elements
      q ; prime number
      α ; α < q and it is primitive root of q
      Select Private key XAXA<q
      Calculation of Public key YAYA=αXAmod q
      Select Private key XBXB<q
      Calculation of Public key YBYB=αXBmod q
    5. Calculation of Secret Key by A
      k=(YB)XAmod q
    6. Calculation of Secret Key by B
      k=(YA)XBmod q
  10. The result is that two sides have exchanged a secret value.
  11. Since XA and XB are private the other party can work only following ingredients:
    Note: YB=αXB mod a
 Discrete Logarithm
    12. The algorithm security lies on the fact that it is easy to calculate exponential modulo a prime, last difficult to calculate to calculate discrete logarithm.

Figure 5.6 Diffie-Hellman Exchange Algorithm

    Consider q=353, α= 3 ( 3 is primitive root of 353)
    A and B discrete private keys
    Each computes its public key
    A computes YA=397 mod 353 =40
    B computes YB=3233 mod 353 = 248
    After exchange of public keys, each can compute the common secret key
    A computes K =(YB)XAmod 353=(248)97mod 353=160
    B computes K 

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