Saturday, August 13, 2011

Regional Demographic and Epidemiologic Transitions

Regional Demographic and Epidemiologic Transitions

South Asia is home to a large, quickly growing, and predominantly poor population. The emergence of
NCDs in South Asia was, in fact, predictable because of the demographic and epidemiologic transitions (Figure 1.1, Box 1.1, and Table 1.2 below). In the demographic transition the characteristically large, young population of developing countries enters adulthood, but due to reduced fertility rates is not replaced by an equal share of children.

The population also experiences longer life expectancy (Figure 1.1).
The epidemiologic transition is characterized by a shift in the composition of the disease burden, reflecting a lower share of communicable diseases and MCH and nutrition problems, and an increasing share of NCDs (Figure 1.3 below).

Figure 1.1 Age structure in South Asia, 1991, 2010, 2025, and 2050

Source: U.S. Census Bureau,, accessed July 8,2010.

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