Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Commonly Used Functions

The most commonly used functions in the string library ie. Using <string.h> are:
  • strcat - concatenate two strings
  • strchr - string scanning operation
  • strcmp - compare two strings
  • strcpy - copy a string
  • strlen - get string length
  • strncat - concatenate one string with part of another
  • strncmp - compare parts of two strings
  • strrchr - string scanning operation
char *strcat(char *s1, const char *s2);
s1 is a pointer to a string that will be modified. s2 will be copied to the end of s1. s2 is a pointer to a string that will be appended to the end of s1. It returns a pointer to s1 (where the resulting concatenated string resides).
char *strcpy(char *s1, const char *s2);
s1 is a pointer to the destination. s2 will be copied to the end of s1. It returns a pointer to s1 (where the resulting copied string resides).
int strlen(char *s1);
s1 is a pointer to the string. It returns the length of the string excluding ‘\0’ character.
Example –
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
/* Define a temporary variable */
char MyString[100];

/* Copy the first string into the variable */
strcpy(MyString, "a4");

/* Concatenate the following two strings to the end of the first one */
strcat(MyString, "academics ");
strcat(MyString, ".com");

/* Display the concatenated strings */
printf("%s\n", MyString);

/* Display the length of the string */
printf(“Length : %d\n”,strlen(MyString));

return 0;
Output –
Length : 15
strchr :
char *strchr(const char *s, int c);
s is a string (terminated by a null character).c is the character to be found. It returns a pointer to the first occurrence of the character c within the string pointed to by s. If c isn't found, it returns a null pointer.
strcmp :
char *strcmp(const char *s1, const char *s2);
s1 and s2 a string (terminated by a null character). It returns the ASCII value difference of the first index of mismatched characters of the given string.
Example -
It will return the difference between ASCII value of ‘m’ and ‘a’ ie. 12. Because first mismatch occurs at 3rd index.
It will return 0 because there is no mismatch in the given string.

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