Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Initialization of Single Dimensional Array

Single Dimensional Arrays in C can be initialized in the following way:
Method 1:
int rollnum[6]={5,3,32,9,2,10};
By this way, you specify the size of the array and initialize the values.
Method 2:
int rollnum[]={5,3,32,9,2,10};
You can even assign values to the array, without initializing the size of the array.
Method 3:
int rollnum[5];
int i;
for( i=0;i<5;i++ )
   rollnum[i] = i;
You can initialize the arrays this way too.

Accessing Array Elements

In C programming, you can access and operate arrays like variables in C. To access i'th element in the array you need to write as <array name>[i-1]. Since the array index starts from 0.
For example:
/* statement to insert value in the forth element of array rollNum[]. */

/* Statement to insert value in (i+1)th element of array rollNum[]. */
/* Because, the first element of array is rollNum[0], second is rollNum[1], ith is rollNum[i-1] and (i+1)th is rollNum[i]. */

/* statement to print first element of an array. */

/* statement to print (i+1)th element of an array. */
One thing you should remember is that, when you have declared roll_Number[6] array of size 6, your valid access to the array is only from 0 to 5. If you try to access any invalid index like 8, 10 etc. compiler do not throw any error, it will be throw a runtime error. Usually a program crash due to invalid memory manipulation i.e. it would cause a segmentation fault.

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