Monday, November 5, 2018

Linux Programming

1. Inter process communication includes__________ synchronization
a) thread   b) data   c)process

2. Which of the following were included in IPC on single computer system
1. Shared memory
2. Messages
3. Pipes
a) Only 1   b) Only 2   c) All 3 of them

3. Which of the following communication is allowed by pipe
a) unidirectional   b) bidirectional   c)multidirectional

4. How the pipes synchronize the two processes
a) manually   b) automatically    c) systamatically

5. Which command is used to make a pipe to wait for the data to be available from the user terminal
a) od  b)wait  c)id

6. Unnamed pipes were also known as
a) FIFO  b) LIFO  c)anonymous

7. Named pipes is used for communication between _________processes
a) interrealted   b) related  c)unrelated

8. Unnamed pipes exist in ______
a) system space  b) kernel  c) semaphore

9. Which function is used to create and access a message queue
a) msgput()   b) msgget()  c) msgrcv()

10. Which queue is created by the IPC_PRIVATE
a) private   b)  public  c)protected

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