Wednesday, November 7, 2018

LP Fill in the Blank QA

1. In a two state process model, a process is either ____________or___________
2. For a new process in a two state process model _____________ creates a new process control block and brings that process into memory in a not running state.
3. ____________ and _____________ are the other states completes the five state model.
4. The two modes protect the OS data structures from interference by ____________
5. _____________ mode provides full control of the system that may not be needed for user program.
6. ___________ used for interrupt handling, process synchronization and timing.
7. ____________ connects two commands together so that the output from one program becomes the input of the next program.
8. To make a pipe, put a ____________ on the command line between two commands.
9. ____________ is referred, when a program takes its input from another program, it performs some operation on that input and writes the result to the standard output.
10. The ___________ command searches a file of files for lines that have a certain pattern.
11. The ___________ command arranges lines of text alphabetically or numerically.
12. The ____________ pipes can be created used and destroyed within the life a set of processes.
13. __________ is an example for named pipes.
14. _________ pipes can be used with unrelated process not just descendants of the pipe creator.
15. __________ command are used to define semaphore object.
16. ____________ command are used to initialize semaphore.
17. ___________ command are used to wait on a semaphore.
18. ___________ command is used to increment the value of semaphore.
19. ___________ command is used to find out the value of semaphore.
20. ___________ command is used  to destroy the semaphore.
21. ____________is a variable or abstract data type used to control access to a common resource by multiple processes in a concurrent system.
22. There are 3 types of semaphores namely ___________, ___________ and __________
23. In IPC the processes communicates by using _______________
24.  __________ file can be opened by multiple processes for reading and writing.
25.  We can create a FIFO from the shell using the ___________ command.
26. We can remove a FIFO just like a file using the ____________ command.
27. Two or more processes can exchange information via access to a common system _________

1. Executing ( running state )or Idle ( nor running state ).
2. OS.
3. NEW and EXIT.
4. User code.
5. Kernel.
6. Wait queues.
7. Pipe.
8. Vertical bar(|).
9. Filter.
10. Grep command.
11. Sort command.
12.  Unnamed.
13. FIFO.
14. Named.
15. Sem_t sem_name;
16. Sem_init
17. Sem_wait
18. Sem_post
19. Sem_getvalue
20. Sem_destroy
21. Semaphore.
22. Binary, counting and mutex.
23. Shared memory.
24. FIFO.
25. Mknod.
26. Rm(remove command).
27. Message queue.

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