ESSAY - 2006
Write an essay on any one of the following topics
1. Women’s Reservation Bill Would Usher in Empowerment for Women in India.
2. Protection of Ecology and Environment is Essential for Sustained Economic Development.
3. Importance of Indo-U.S. Nuclear Agreement.
4. “Education For All” Campaign in India: Myth or Reality.
5. Globalization Would Finish Small-Scale Industries in India.
6. Increasing Computerization Would lead to the Creation of Dehumanized Society.
C.S.E-Mains 2007
1. Write an essay in about 300 words on any one of the following:
(a) Heritage Tourism is Good for Us
(b) Importance of a Work-Ethic
(c) Should Mercy-Killing be Legalized for Terminally ill Patients?
(d) The Culture of Modesty
(e) “Eternal Vigilance is the Price of Liberty”.
2. Read the passage carefully and write your answers to the following questions in clear, correct and
concise language:
(5 x 15 = 75)
An educated man should know what is first-rate in those activities which spring from the
creative and intellectual faculties of human nature, such as literature, art, architecture and music. I
should like to add science and philosophy, but in these two subjects it is difficult for any but the
expert to estimate quality, and many educated people have not the close knowledge necessary to
judge their real worth. On the other hand everyone has close and daily contact with the other four.
Architecture surrounds him in every city, literature meets him on every book-stall, music assails his
ears on his radio set and from every juke-box; and art in its protean aspects of form and colour is a
part of daily life. The architecture may often be bad, the literature and music often puerile, the art
often undeserving of the name; but that is all the more reason why we should be able, in all of them,
to distinguish good from bad.
To judge by the literature offered us in hotel book-stands, and by most of the music played on
the radio and by jukeboxes we might be more discriminating in these fields than we are if it be said
that music and art and literature are not essentials of life but. its frills, I would reply that if so, it is
curious that they are among the few immortal things in the world, and that should a man wish to be
remembered two thousand years hence, the only certain way is to write a great poem or book,
compose a great symphony, paint a great picture, carve a great sculpture, or build a great building.