Sunday, May 31, 2015

Country Quiz

1. What country has the second largest population in the world?
2. In what country would you find the cities Glasgow and Edinburgh?
3. What country has a maple leaf on their national flag?
4. What country is home to the Great Barrier Reef?
5. Tapas and paella are dishes that originated in what country?
6. What country was the first to land a man on the moon?
7. What is the largest country (by size and population) in South America?
8. In what country is the Yangtze River found?
9. The kiwi is a flightless bird that lives in what country?
10. In what country would you find the islands Santorini and Mykonos?
11. In what country was Nelson Mandela born?
12. Adidas and Volkswagen are companies from what country?
13. Zurich is the largest city in what country?
14. In what country is the Great Pyramid of Giza found?
15. In what country would you find the cities Lyon and Marseille?
16. Leonardo da Vinci was born in what country?
17. In terms of land area, what is the largest country in the world?
18. What country was known as Ceylon until 1972?
19. In what country would you find the cities Ankara and Istanbul?
20. Mount Fuji is the highest mountain in what country?

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Dinosaur Quiz

1. How many horns did Triceratops have?
2. True or false? The name dinosaur means ‘terrible lizard’.
3. Which came first, the Jurassic or Cretaceous Period?
4. Was Diplodocus a carnivore or herbivore?
5. True of false? Tyrannosaurus rex was the biggest dinosaur ever.
6. True or false? Iguanodon was one of three dinosaurs that inspired the appearance of Godzilla.
7. Did Theropods such as Allosaurus and Carnotaurus move on two legs or four?
8. Apatosaurus is also widely known by what other name?
9. True or false? Most dinosaurs became extinct during an event that occurred 500 years ago.
10. What type of dinosaur features on the logo of the Toronto based NBA basketball team?
11. True or false? Dinosaur fossils have been found on every continent of Earth.
12. What dinosaur themed book was turned into a blockbuster movie in 1993?
13. True or false? Ankylosaurus featured hug plates of bone that acted as body armor.
14. Did Sauropods such as Brachiosaurus and Diplodocus move on two legs or four?
15. True or false? Pentaceratops was the first dinosaur to be officially named.
16. Which came first, the Jurassic or Triassic Period?
17. True or false? The US state of Colorado lists the Allosaurus as its state dinosaur.
18. What weighed more, a fully grown Spinosaurus or Deinonychus?
19. A person who studies fossils and prehistoric life such as dinosaurs is known as a what?
20. True or false? Birds evolved from dinosaurs.

Friday, May 29, 2015

Flags Quiz

Spain flag
China flag
Italy flag
South Africa flag
Japan flag
Germany flag
France flag
Canada flag
Brazil flag
USA flag

Sweden flag
Mexico flag
Russia flag
Greece flag
Australia flag
Jamaica flag
Argentina flag
India flag
Chile flag
Turkey flag

Kenya flag
Indonesia flag
Uruguay flag
Austria flag
Iceland flag
Pakistan flag
Thailand flag
Bolivia flag
Portugal flag
Ecuador flag

Flags Quiz Answers

1. Spain
2. China
3. Italy
4. South Africa
5. Japan
6. Germany
7. France
8. Canada
9. Brazil
10. USA
11. Sweden
12. Mexico
13. Russia
14. Greece
15. Australia
16. Jamaica
17. Argentina
18. India
19. Chile
20. Turkey
21. Kenya
22. Indonesia
23. Uruguay
24. Austria
25. Iceland
26. Pakistan
27. Thailand
28. Bolivia
29. Portugal
30. Ecuador

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Sports Quiz

1. Which decelerates faster, a badminton shuttlecock or a baseball?
2. True or false? Lower tension on a tennis racquet produces more control and less power.
3. In the Winter Olympic sport of curling, what type of rock are the curling stones made from?
4. True or false? Olympic gold medals contain more silver than gold.
5. How high is a regulation sized basketball hoop?
6. Does the chronic injury known as plantar fasciitis affect hands or feet?
7. True of false? Astronaut Alan Shepard hit a golf ball while on the moon in 1971.
8. What is typically the slowest swimming stroke, freestroke, backstroke, breaststroke or butterfly?
9. True or false? The official distance of a marathon is 44 kilometres (27.340 miles).
10. Does an injury to your anterior cruciate ligament affect your arm or leg?
11. True or false? Your body only produces lactic acid during intensive physical activity.
12. Do the fastest male 100m sprinters in the world average above or below 30 kph (18.64mph)?
13. True or false? Dimples on a golf ball help reduce drag and increase the distance the ball flies.
14. Is the diameter of a regulation basketball hoop 2 times, 3 times or 4 times wider than the diameter a regulation basketball?
15. True or false? The fastest recorded tennis serve is faster than 150 mph (241 kph).

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Engineering Quiz

1. What kind of bridge is the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco?
2. In electricity, voltage is measured in volts while current is measured in …….?
3. The Panama Canal joins which two oceans?
4. Is a mangonel a type of catapult or bridge?
5. The Hoover dam is on the border of which two U.S. states?
6. In what country is the Taj Mahal found?
7. Did the Eiffel Tower open in 1789 or 1889?
8. The Great Sphinx of Giza has the head of a human and the body of a what?
9. In terms of engineering software, what does CAD stand for?
10. Which country gave the Statue of Liberty to the USA as a gift?

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Heat Quiz

1. True or false? The boiling point of water is 100 degrees Celsius (212 degrees Fahrenheit).
2. When water is cooled, does it expand or contract?
3. True or false? The highest temperature ever recorded on Earth is 42.4 °C (108.3 °F).
4. Heat from the sun gets to the Earth by radiation, conduction or convention?
5. What is the freezing temperature of water?
6. True or false? Kelvin, Celsius and Fahrenheit are all measures of temperature.
7. True or false? 100 Kelvin is the temperature of absolute zero.
8. Substances that don’t conduct heat are known as what?
9. True or false? Heat is a form of energy.
10. At what temperature is Fahrenheit equal to Centigrade?

Monday, May 25, 2015

Metal Quiz

1. What is the chemical symbol of gold?
2. True or false? Steel is a chemical element.
3. What is the most common metal found on Earth?
4. True or False? Sodium is a very reactive metal.
5. What three kinds of medals are awarded at the Olympic Games?
6. True or false? Metal bonding with metal is known as a metallic bond.
7. Bronze is made from what two metals?
8. What is the only metal that is liquid at room temperature?
9. True or false? Sterling silver is made up of less than 50% silver by weight.
10.What metal has the chemical symbol Pb?

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Plant Quiz

1. The scientific study of plant life is known as what?
2. The process of plants using energy from sunlight to turn carbon dioxide into food is known as what?
3. True or false? In the right conditions bamboo can grow over 60cm (24in) in just one day.
4. The movement of pollen from the anthers to the stigma of a flower is known as what?
5. Amber is made from fossilized tree _____?
6. True or false? Humans were on Earth before plants.
7. What grain has the highest level of worldwide production? (Hint: Rice is second)
8. A trailing or climbing plant is also known as a _____?
9. True or false? Pitcher plants are carnivorous.
10. The Japanese word “sakura” means the blossoming of what kind of tree?

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Nature Quiz

1. What is the name of the world’s largest reef system?
2. Do male or female mosquitoes bite people?
3. True or false? Earth Day is held on June 18.
4. What state of the USA is the Grand Canyon located in?
5. True or false? The Dead Sea is 8.6 times more salty than the ocean.
6. What are the 3 R’s of recycling?
7. True or false? The horn of a rhinoceros is made from bone.
8. What famous islands west of Ecuador were extensively studied by Charles Darwin?
9. Ayers Rock in Australia is also know as what?
10. True or false? Burning or logging naturally occurring forests is known as deforestation.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Atom Quiz

1. True or false? Protons have a negative charge.
2. True or false? Atoms are bigger than neutrons.
3. True or false? Protons and neutrons are part of the nucleus.
4. True or false? Electrons have a positive charge.
5. True or false? Electrons are not part of the nucleus.
6. True or false? Protons are bigger than atoms.
7. True or false? Subatomic particles are found inside atoms.
8. True or false? Nucleon is a collective name for two particles, the neutron and proton.
9. True or false? Neutrons have a negative charge.
10.True or false? An electron has a greater mass than a proton.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

States of Matter Quiz

1. When a solid changes to a liquid it is called what?
2. True or false? Liquids are easy to compress.
3. When a gas changes into a liquid it is called what?
4. True or false? The particles of a gas are packed tightly together.
5. When solids reach their melting points they become what?
6. True or false? Plasma is a state of matter.
7. When a gas reaches its condensation point it becomes a what?
8. True or false? Solids do not take the shape of the container they are in.
9. What is it called when a solid changes directly into a gas?
10. True or false? Gases are hard to compress.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Chemical Elements - Symbols

1. Hydrogen - H
2. Helium - He
3. Lithium - Li
4. Beryllium - Be
5. Boron - B
6. Carbon - C
7. Nitrogen - N
8. Oxygen - O
9. Fluorine - F
10. Neon - Ne
11. Sodium - Na
12. Magnesium - Mg
13. Aluminium - Al
14. Silicon - Si
15. Phosphorus - P
16. Sulfur - S
17. Chlorine - Cl
18. Argon - Ar
19. Potassium - K
20. Calcium - Ca
21. Scandium - Sc
22. Titanium - Ti
23. Vanadium - V
24. Chromium - Cr
25. Manganese - Mn
26. Iron - Fe
27. Cobalt - Co
28. Nickel - Ni
29. Copper - Cu
30. Zinc - Zn
31. Gallium - Ga
32. Germanium - Ge
33. Arsenic - As
34. Selenium - Se
35. Bromine - Br
36. Krypton - Kr
37. Rubidium - Rb
38. Strontium - Sr
39. Yttrium - Y
40. Zirconium - Zr
41. Niobium - Nb
42. Molybdenum - Mo
43. Technetium - Tc
44. Ruthenium - Ru
45. Rhodium - Rh
46. Palladium - Pd
47. Silver - Ag
48. Cadmium - Cd
49. Indium - In
50. Tin - Sn
51. Antimony - Sb
52. Tellurium - Te
53. Iodine - I
54. Xenon - Xe
55. Cesium - Cs
56. Barium - Ba
57. Lanthanum - La
58. Cerium - Ce
59. Praseodymium - Pr
60. Neodymium - Nd
61. Promethium - Pm
62. Samarium - Sm
63. Europium - Eu
64. Gadolinium - Gd
65. Terbium - Tb
66. Dysprosium - Dy
67. Holmium - Ho
68. Erbium - Er
69. Thulium - Tm
70. Ytterbium - Yb
71. Lutetium - Lu
72. Hafnium - Hf
73. Tantalum - Ta
74. Tungsten - W
75. Rhenium - Re
76. Osmium - Os
77. Iridium - Ir
78. Platinum - Pt
79. Gold - Au
80. Mercury - Hg
81. Thallium - Tl
82. Lead - Pb
83. Bismuth - Bi
84. Polonium - Po
85. Astatine - At
86. Radon - Rn
87. Francium - Fr
88. Radium - Ra
89. Actinium - Ac
90. Thorium - Th
91. Protactinium - Pa
92. Uranium - U
93. Neptunium - Np
94. Plutonium - Pu
95. Americium - Am
96. Curium - Cm
97. Berkelium - Bk
98. Californium - Cf
99. Einsteinium - Es
100. Fermium - Fm
101. Mendelevium - Md
102. Nobelium - No
103. Lawrencium - Lr
104. Rutherfordium - Rf
105. Dubnium - Db
106. Seaborgium - Sg
107. Bohrium - Bh
108. Hassium - Hs
109. Meitnerium - Mt
110. Darmstadtium - Ds

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Dog Quiz

1. Is the domestic dog a carnivore, omnivore or herbivore?
2. True of false? Like most mammals, dogs have color vision which is similar to red-green color blindness in humans.
3. What is a dog’s most powerful sense?
4. The average lifespan of dogs is around 5 to 8 years, 10 to 13 years or 15 to 18 years?
5. According to the American Kennel Club, what is the most popular dog breed found in the USA?
6. True or false? Dogs are susceptible to parasites such as ticks, mites and fleas.
7. Who has better hearing, a human or a dog?
8. What is the name of the phobia for someone who has a fear of dogs?
9. True or false? The tallest dog in the world stands over 150cm in height.
10. Because of dogs unique relationship with humans they are often referred to as man’s best........?

Monday, May 18, 2015

True or False Quiz

1. True or false? Electrons are larger than molecules.
2. True or false? The Atlantic Ocean is the biggest ocean on Earth.
3. True or false? The chemical make up food often changes when you cook it.
4. True or false? Sharks are mammals.
5. True or false? The human body has four lungs.
6. True or false? Atoms are most stable when their outer shells are full.
7. True or false? Filtration separates mixtures based upon their particle size.
8. True or false? Venus is the closest planet to the Sun.
9. True or false? Conductors have low resistance.
10. True or false? Molecules can have atoms from more than one chemical element.
11. True or false? Water is an example of a chemical element.
12. True or false? The study of plants is known as botany.
13. True or false? Mount Kilimanjaro is the tallest mountain in the world.
14. True or false? Floatation separates mixtures based on density.
15. True or false? Herbivores eat meat.
16. True or false? Atomic bombs work by atomic fission.
17. True or false? Molecules are chemically bonded.
18. True or false? Spiders have six legs.
19. True or false? Kelvin is a measure of temperature.
20. True or false? The human skeleton is made up of less than 100 bones.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Acid Base Quiz

1. True or false? Bases change litmus paper to blue.
2. True or false? Ammonia is an acid.
3. True or false? Properties of acids include being corrosive and having a sour taste.
4. True or false? Sulfuric acid is known as a strong acid.
5. True or false? Base solutions have a pH below 7.
6. True or false? The chemical formula for sulfuric acid is H2SO4.
7. True or false? Lemons contain citric acid.
8. True or false? An alkali is an acid.
9. True or false? An anion is an ion with more electrons than protons, giving it a negative charge.
10. True or false? Neutral solutions have a pH of 0.
11. True or false? Acids change litmus paper to red.
12. True or false? The word acid comes from the Latin word acidus (meaning sour).
13. True or false? The chemical formula for sodium hydroxide is NaH.
14. True or false? A cation is an ion with more protons than electrons, giving it a positive charge.
15. True or false? Acetic acid gives vinegar a sour taste and strong smell.
16. True or false? Acid solutions have a pH above 7.
17. True or false? Formic acid is found in bee venom.
18. True or false? Sodium hydroxide is known as a weak base.
19. True or false? DNA is an abbreviation for deoxyribonucleic acid.
20. True or false? Potassium hydroxide contains potassium, oxygen and helium.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Weather Quiz

1. A thermometer is a device used to measure what?
2. Stratus, cirrus, cumulus and nimbus are types of what?
3. What country experiences the most tornadoes?
4. True or false? A rainbow is a spectrum of light that appears when the Sun shines onto water droplets in the air.
5. Blizzards feature low temperatures, strong winds and heavy _______?
6. Breeze and gale are common terms used to describe the speed of what?
7. Earth’s recent temperature rises which have been linked to human activity is known as global _______?
8. True or false? The highest recorded temperature on Earth of 57.8 °C (136 °F) was recorded in Tirat Tsvi, Israel.
9. What is the name of a scientist who studies weather?
10. What is the driest desert on Earth, the Sahara, the Kalahari or the Atacama?
11. True or false? The lowest recorded temperature on Earth of 89.2 °C (−128.6 °F) was recorded at Vostok Station, Antarctica.
12. Balls or irregular lumps of ice that fall from clouds (often during thunderstorms) are known as what?
13. An avalanche features the rapid descent of _______?
14. True of false? The most rain fall ever recorded in one year (Cherrapunji, India) is more than 30 meters.
15. What is the name of a weather instrument used to measure atmospheric pressure?
16. An anemometer is used to measure what?
17. At what temperature is Centigrade equal to Fahrenheit?
18. Trying to predict the weather is known as weather _______?
19. The area of central USA that features many tornadoes is known as Tornado _______?
20. True or false? You see lightning and hear thunder.

Friday, May 15, 2015

General Science Quiz

1. What is the biggest planet in our solar system?
2. What is the chemical symbol for the element oxygen?
3. Another name for a tidal wave is a?
4. True or false? Dogs are herbivores.
5. What is the 7th element on the periodic table of elements?
6. What is the name of the long appendage that hangs from an elephants face?
7. True or false? DNA is the shortened form of the term ‘Deoxyribonucleic acid’?
8. The highest mountain on earth is?
9. What is the name of the closest star to the earth?
10. True or false? Frogs are cold blooded animals.
11. What is the name of the element with the chemical symbol ‘He’?
12. The fear of what animal is known as ‘arachnophobia’?
13. Pure water has a pH level of a around?
14. The molten rock that comes from a volcano after it has erupted is known as what?
15. True or false? Yogurt is produced by bacterial fermentation of milk.
16. What is the name of the part of the human skeleton which protects our brain?
17. Is the compound ‘HCl’ an acid or base?
18. True or false? The fastest land animal in the world is the zebra.
19. How many bones do sharks have in their bodies?
20. What famous scientist was awarded the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics for his work on theoretical physics?

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Earth Quiz

1. What is the name of the largest ocean on earth?
2. What are the two main metals in the earth’s core?
3. Which is hotter, the center of the earth or surface of the sun?
4. What do you call molten rock before it has erupted?
5. What do you call it after it has erupted?
6. The Great Barrier Reef is found off the coast of which country?
7. What do you call a person who studies rocks?
8. Name the three time periods of the dinosaurs.
9. True or false? The Grand Canyon is around 10000 feet (3000 meters) deep.
10. What is the name of the deepest location in the world’s oceans?
11. Over a long period of time while under extreme heat and pressure, graphite turns into which precious mineral?
12. Outside of Antarctica, what is the largest desert in the world?
13. The gemstone ruby is typically what color?
14. What is the name of the highest mountain on earth?
15. Do stalactites rise from the floor or hang from the ceiling of limestone caves?
16. 'Cascade', 'horsetail', 'plunge' and 'tiered' are types of what?
17. Someone who studies earthquakes is known as a what?
18. What is the name of the layer of earth’s atmosphere that absorbs the majority of the potentially damaging ultraviolet light from the sun?
19. The mass of the earth is made up mostly of which two elements?
20. What is the second most common gas found in the air we breathe?

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Food Quiz

1. The rice dish ‘paella’ comes from what country?
2. Deer meat is known by what name?
3. Are humans omnivore, herbivore or carnivore?
4. What food is used as the base of guacamole?
5. The range of vegetables, fruits, meats, nuts, grains, herbs and spices used in cooking are known as what?
6. True or false? India is the world’s largest producer of bananas.
7. What is the sweet substance made by bees?
8. Lures, reels, rods, hooks, baits and nets are common equipment used in what food gathering method?
9. True or false? McDonald’s has restaurants in over 100 countries around the world.
10. The ‘Pizza Hut’ franchise began in what country?
11. Foods rich in starch such as pasta and bread are often known by what word starting with the letter C?
12. True or false? Trans fats are good for your health.
13. What is another name for maize?
14. Fruit preserves made from citrus fruits, sugar and water are known as what?
15. True or false? ‘Beefsteak’ is a variety of tomato.
16. Dairy products are generally made from what common liquid?
17. Do coconut trees grow better in cold or warm climates?
18. True or false? Cooking food often transforms its chemical make up.
19. What is the popular food used to carve jack-o-lanterns during Halloween?
20. Chiffon, marble and bundt are types of what?

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Technology Quiz

1. Solar power generates electricity from what source?
2. Did the Apple iPhone first become available in 2005, 2006 or 2007?
3. In terms of computing, what does CPU stand for?
4. True or false? Nintendo was founded after the year 1900.
5. The Hubble Space Telescope is named after which American astronomer?
6. Is the wavelength of infrared light too long or short to be seen by humans?
7. Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Safari and Explorer are types of what?
8. True or false? Gold is not a good conductor of electricity?
9. The technologically advanced humanoid robot ASIMO is made by which car company?
10. True or false? Atomic bombs work by atomic fission.
11. In terms of computing, what does ROM stand for?
12. Did the original Sony Playstation use CDs or cartridges to play games?
13. What is the Earth’s primary source of energy?
14. IBM is a well known computer and information technology company, what does IBM stand for?
15. Along with whom did Bill Gates found Microsoft?
16. What science fiction writer wrote the three laws of robotics?
17. True or false? In computing, keyboards are used as input devices.
18. What does the abbreviation WWW stand for?
19. Nano, Shuffle, Classic and Touch are variations of what?
20. True or false? DNA is an abbreviation for ‘Deoxyribonucleic acid’.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Electricity Quiz

1. Electric current is measured using what device?
2. True or false? Batteries convert chemical to electrical energy.
3. In terms of electricity, what does DC stand for?
4. The wire inside an electric bulb is known as the what?
5. Conductors have a high or low resistance?
6. True or false? The concept of electric fields was first introduced by Albert Einstein.
7. Electric resistance is typically measured in what units?
8. In terms of electricity, what does AC stand for?
9. Electric power is typically measured in what units?
10. True or false? You can extend battery life by storing batteries at a low temperature.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Biology Quiz

1. Which famous scientist introduced the idea of natural selection?
2. A person who studies biology is known as a?
3. Botany is the study of?
4. Can frogs live in salt water?
5. True or false? The common cold is caused by a virus.
6. Animals which eat both plants and other animals are known as what?
7. Bacterial infections in humans can be treated with what?
8. A single piece of coiled DNA is known as a?
9. A group of dog offspring is known as a?
10. The area of biology devoted to the study of fungi is known as?
11. What is the name of the process used by plants to convert sunlight into food?
12. The death of every member of a particular species is known as what?
13. The process of pasteurization is named after which famous French microbiologist?
14. True or false? A salamander is a warm blooded animal?
15. A change of the DNA in an organism that results in a new trait is known as a?

Friday, May 8, 2015

Chemistry Quiz

1. What is the first element on the periodic table?
2. What is the centre of an atom called?
3. True or false? Acids have a pH level below 7.
4. What is the main gas found in the air we breathe?
5. True or false? An electron carries a positive charge.
6. Famous New Zealand scientist Ernest Rutherford was awarded a Nobel Prize in which field?
7. What is the chemical symbol for gold?
8. K is the chemical symbol for which element?
9. What orbits the nucleus of an atom?
10. At room temperature, what is the only metal that is in liquid form?
11. True or false? A neutron has no net electric charge.
12. A nuclear reaction where the nucleus of an atom splits into smaller parts is known as nuclear fission or nuclear fusion?
13. What is H20 more commonly known as?
14. What is the third most common gas found in the air we breathe?
15. What is the name given to substances that are initially involved in a chemical reaction?
16. True or false? Bases have a pH level below 7.
17. Is sodium hydroxide (NaOH) an acid or base?
18. Atoms of the same chemical element that have different atomic mass are known as?
19. True or false? A proton carries a positive charge.
20. What is the fourth most abundant element in the universe in terms of mass?