Thursday, September 29, 2011

Country Capacity and Accomplishments and Application of the Policy Options Framework(cont...)


Key Policy Options and Strategic Actions


* Create a national NCD surveillance system. A national system is needed to inform strategic
planning and policy development. Limited efforts for subnational behavior risk factor
surveillance for tobacco and youth have been undertaken. However, the system should also
include NCD mortality, morbidity, health services utilization, and economic burden data
(available from national health accounts). This information will be critical as decentralization
evolves. Core public health institutions are needed to provide technical support along with
international institutions (such as WHO).

Develop and Implement

* Coordinate national efforts. It would be necessary to build the sections capacity and provide
sufficient resources and authority to meet its objectives It is also important to address social,
economic and environmental determinants that underlie NCDs. Cross-sector and
collaborative mechanisms need to be expanded and strengthened to address the latter.

* Strengthen tobacco control policies. Control efforts have made a good start. However, full
implementation and enforcement are lagging.

* Develop a competent workforce to tackle NCDs. Assets include the national guidelines and
standard practices that need full implementation, and they will need periodic updating.
Human resources require assessment for current and near-future needs, and that
assessment must account for the large use of expatriate providers. Human resource for key
areas such as mental health need to be addressed urgently.

* Strengthen financing for NCD care. Much progress has been made with social health
insurance, but equity and access need to be addressed. The restructuring of the health
system should not compromise on the public expenditure for health, especially preventive
health. New avenues for health financing such as earmarking of taxes from tobacco and other
unhealthy goods towards preventive health should be explored.


* Create capacity to evaluate programs and policy. As policies are developed and more resources committed to NCD efforts, evaluation will help fine tune or redirect activities.

* Electronic medical record system needs institutionalization. The recently developed system for chronic NCDs needs to be developed and incorporated broadly into service delivery.

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