Thursday, June 25, 2015

Agriculture Question Answer

Q. HD 2967 is the new high yielding variety of -
1. Rice
2. Maize
3. Mustered
4. Wheat
Q. Prabhat is an early short duration variety of -
1. Red gram
2. Wheat
3. Maize
4. Rice
Q. The Minimum Support Price for Foodgrains was introduced in the year -
1. 1954
2. 1944
3. 1964
4. 1974
Q. Soil factors are otherwise known as -
1. Climatic factors
2. Edaphic factors
3. Biotic factors
4. Physiographic factors
Q. Which crop requires water-logging for its cultivation?
1. Tea
2. Coffee
3. Rice
4. Mustard
Q. Soils of Western Rajasthan have a high content of
1. Aluminium
2. Calcium
3. Nitrogen
4. Phosphorus
Q. The Black rust of disease of wheat is caused by-
1. Xanthomonas graminis
2. Puccinia graminis
3. Puccinia recondita
4. None of these
Q. A crop grown in zaid season is
1. Soyabean
2. Water melon
3. Jute
4. Maize
Q. Which one of the following makes a case for intensive, modern farming?
1. Cropping pattern
2. Higher output using organic method
3. Remunerative price
4. None of these
Q. Which two crops of the following are responsible for almost 75% of pulse production in India?
1. Gram and pigeon pea
2. Gram and moong bean
3. Moong bean and lentil
4. Pigeon pea and moong bean

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