Saturday, June 13, 2015

World History Questions Answers

1. Young Italy movement by led by two revolutionaries, One was "Mazzini" and Other was ?

  1. Garibaldi
  2. Victor
  3. Emmanuel
  4. Louis

2. When did World War 2 start ?

  1. 1937
  2. 1938
  3. 1939
  4. 1940

3. Who is known as Man of Blood and Iron ?

  1. Napoleon
  2. Bismarck
  3. Ho Chi Minh
  4. Sir Walter Scott
"Napoleon" is also known as Man of Destiny,

"Ho Chi Minh" is also known as Uncle Ho,

"Sir Walter Scott" is also known as Wizard of the North.

4. In which year Hitler became the Chancellor of Germany ?

  1. 1932
  2. 1933
  3. 1944
  4. 1945

5. Who was the author of the "American Declaration of Independence" ?

  1. Jefferson
  2. Lafayette
  3. George Washington
  4. Thomas Paine

6. The Renaissance scientist who explained how planets moved around the sun was ?

  1. Kepler
  2. Rebelais
  3. Francis Bacorr
  4. Gutenberg

7. Russian revolutionary, who founded the Communist Party was

  1. Karl Marx
  2. Stalin
  3. Lenin
  4. Trotsky

8. Who is also known as the founder of scientific socialism ?

  1. Karl Marx
  2. Lenin
  3. Rousseau
  4. Engels

9. Who started the construction of Colosseum in Rome ?

  1. Nero
  2. Titus
  3. Victor
  4. Vespasian

10. The first news paper in the world was started by ?

  1. Japan
  2. China
  3. USA
  4. India

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