Saturday, June 6, 2015

General Knowledge Question Answer

1.HD 2967 is the new high yielding variety of -
1. Rice
2. Maize
3. Mustered
4. Wheat

2.The scientific study of soil is -
1. Earth Study
2. Soil Science
3. Penology
4. Soil Chemistry

3.Prabhat is an early short duration variety of -
1. Red gram
2. Wheat
3. Maize
4. Rice

4.The Minimum Support Price for Foodgrains was introduced in the year -
1. 1954
2. 1944
3. 1964
4. 1974

5.Which of the following is a commercial crop?
1. Cotton
2. Bajra
3. Jowar
4. Paddy

6.Triticum aestivum, the common bread wheat is -
1. Tetraploid
2. Hexaploid
3. Haploid
4. Diploid

7.Monoculture is a typical characteristics of -
1. Shifting cultivation
2. Subsitence farming
3. Specialized horticulture
4. Commercial grain farming

8.Which crop requires water-logging for its cultivation?
1. Tea
2. Coffee
3. Rice
4. Mustard

9.A crop grown in zaid season is
1. Soyabean
2. Water melon
3. Jute
4. Maize

10.Crop rotation helps to
1. lessen use of pesticides
2. yield more crops
3. produce a greater choice of plant products
4. eliminate parasites which have selective hosts

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