Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Computer knowledge

1. Windows is ______________

a.) An operating environment
b.) An operating system
c.) An interface
d.) Hardware

2. ___________ is the main memory of the computer.

a.) ERAM
b.) ROM
c.) RAM

3. Which of the following is correct for operating system?

a.) OS helps other programs run
b.) OS recovers lost data
c.) OS helps in resource management
d.) None

4. .VXD represents

a.) Picture file
b.) Text file
c.) Device drivers
d.) Image file

5. Which group does PIF editor belong?

a.) Games
b.) Accessories
c.) Main
d.) None

6. Combo box in a dialog box is

a.) A combination of text box and list box
b.) A list box
c.) A combination of list box and check box
d.) None

7. RTF is _____________

a.) Rich text format
b.) Rich text fonts
c.) Real time fonts
d.) Real time files

8. Which of the following better define UNIX?

a.) Real time sharing system
b.) Batch processing operating system
c.) Time sharing operating system
d.) Memory sharing operating system

9. Choose the network for the computers that are within 100 to 300 metres :

a.) LAN
b.) WAN
c.) WWW
d.) None

10. Which of the following is sequence storage device?

a.) Magnetic tape
b.) Paper tape
c.) Magnetic disk
d.) a.) and b.)


1. b
2. c
3. a
4. c
5. c
6. a
7. a
8. c
9. b
10. d

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