Thursday, August 6, 2015

General Science

1. Death in Carbon dioxide atmosphere occurs due to – 

a.) lack of oxygen
b.) suffocation
c.) destruction of tissues
d.) it stopping the functioning of brain

2. This digestive juice has no enzymes. What is it called?

a.) Saliva
b.) Intestinal juice
c.) Bile juice
d.) Gastric juice

3. Termination of a foetus is called as __________. 

a.) Delivery
b.) Abortion
c.) Parturition
d.) Conception

4. In case of thyroid malfunctioning, the levels of which hormone get effected: 

a.) TSH
b.) Cortisol
c.) Adrenaline
d.) Estrogen

5. Which gland is effected by hypothyroid?

a.) Pitutary
b.) Adrenal
c.) Thyroid
d.) Ovary

6. The leaves of a tree or plant are green due to the presence of: 

a.) Chlorophyll
b.) Green colour
c.) Nitrogen
d.) Oxygen

7. Sun can also be termed as: 

a.) Fission reactor
b.) Fusion reactor
c.) Radioactive reactor
d.) None of the above

8. Heavy water is used as a ___________ in nuclear reactor.

a.) coolant
b.) moderator
c.) fuel
d.) catalyst

9. A solid needle when placed horizontally on surface of water did not sink. This happened due to the phenomenon of: 

a. Gravitational force
b. Needle being light
c. Surface tension
d. Attraction

10. Seed will not germinate if there is no __________. 

a.) soil
b.) light
c.) water
d.) heat


11. b
12. c
13. b
14. a
15. c
16. a
17. b
18. b
19. c
20. c

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