Dean Ster, former Human Health Risk Assessmemt
That we all need to get the vaccine to protect “other people”. It is fact: the vaccine will not prevent you from contracting covid the vaccine will not prevent you from spreading covid the vaccine’s only purpose, is to lessen the severity of disease and prevent mortality.
Your vaccine protects ONLY YOU!! Bitching about other people not being vaccinated is nothing but pure propaganda. You may or may not need the vaccine, depending on your health status. If you are young, healthy weight, non-diabetic, and are Vitamin D sufficient (>30ng/ml, optimal 50 ng/ml), the odds of you needing the vaccine to prevent mortality is negligible. If you are old, or obese, or have diabetes, or are vitamin D insufficient, it would pay for you to get the vaccine to protect your own health. HOWEVER, it does you no good for me to get the vaccine to protect your health, as I can still be a spreader. Worse, you’ll notice the NEWS and CDC propaganda, that vaccinated people can go on about like as normal, which in reality gives people a false sense of security.
People need to continue with health conscious behavior. Stay out of other people’s faces, wash your hands, avoid being around sick people .. and for EVERYONE’S sake, if you are sick … stay the frick home. If you are sick (and it’s COVID), as stated above, you can still spread the disease, and vaccinated or not, you can still get the disease and die from it, depending on your health status.
If you like to answer plz click this : What is the reason people are now coming to trust the corona infection vaccine?
Kenneth Goldberg
Either that they are harmful, or they don’t work.