Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Linux Questions Answers

1. Kernel minimizes the frequency of disk access by keeping a pool of internal data buffer which helps to increase the response time, this is known as ?

  1. Buffer cache
  2. Spooling
  3. Pooling
  4. Virtual Memory

2. How applications communicates with kernel ?

  1. Not disclosed by linux team
  2. SSL
  3. System Calls
  4. Shell

3. Kernel is known as core of operating system.

  1. True
  2. False

4. What is meaning of ILP32 ?

  1. 32 bit Integrated, Long & Pointer
  2. 32 bit Integer, Long & Pointer
  3. 32 bit Integer, Long & Point
  4. 32 bit Integer, Lost & Pointer

5. Solaris is product of ?

  1. IBP
  2. IBM
  3. Microsoft
  4. Sun Microsystems

6. The system calls in UNIX is written using which language ?

  1. Java
  2. C
  3. C++
  4. Assembly

7. What is property of UNIX ?

  1. Multi User
  2. Multi Processes
  3. Multi Tasking
  4. All of above

8. Lp0 device file is used to access ?

  1. Tape Drive
  2. Printer
  3. Flopy
  4. Mouse

9. What is the meaning of SVR4 ?

  1. System Five Release 4
  2. System Version Release 4
  3. System Five Relocated 4
  4. Storage Files Five Release 4

10. Which among following is considered as super daemon ?

  1. sysinit
  2. grep
  3. init
  4. locate

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