2. Brahmanical texts say, he was born of Mura, a Sudra woman in the court of Nandas.
3. Chanakya, a Brahmin teacher a Taxila went to Pataliputra, being insulted by the Nanda king, went to Vindhya forest where he met Chandraguptawith the help of Chanakya, Chandragupta acquired the throne by over throwing the Nanda.
4. It was the time when seleukoas Necator, a general of Alexander was laying the foundation of his future empire. Chandragupta fought seleukos in 305 B.C.
5. According to jaina tradition Chandragupta was converted to Jainism, abdicated the throne in favour of Bindusara passed his last days at Sravana belgola (near Mysore) where he died.
6. Bindusara: (300-273 B.C.) son of Chandragupta, also known as Amitraghat (slayer of foes) by greek writers.
7. Asoka (273-232 B.C.): The region of Bindusara was terminated in 273 B.C.
8. He fought Kalinga was in 260 B.C. in the 9th year of his reign, which proved to be a turning point in his carrier.
9. Shortly after Kalinga was he seems to have been greatly influenced by Buddhist teaching, he became a lay worshipper (Upasak) of Buddha.
10. Ashoka’s name is mentioned as Devanampriya, Priyadarshan in inscriptions.
11. The only inscription mentions Ashoka by his name is ‘Maski’ inscription.
12. Sarnath Lion capital, Sanchi Stupa and Barabar caves are the Artistic excellences of Maurya Empire.
13. City Administration was excellent in Mauryan Empire
14. Kautilya’s Arthasastra and Visakadutta’s Mudra Rakshasha, Megasthanis’s Indica are the main literature sources.
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