2. Ibrahim Lodhi transferred his father’s Jagir to him.
3. He served under Bahar Khan Lohani, the governor of Bihar. He appointed him vakil and gave him the title ‘Sherkhan’ for killing a tiger.
4. He defeated Humayun in the battles of Chausa and Bilgram or Kanauj.
5. He divided the administration into various departments.
6. Wizarat was the revenue department.
7. Rasalat or Muhtasib was the correspondence department.
8. Insha was the department of dispatches.
9. Qaza department looked after justice.
10. Barid was the intelligence department.
11. His provinces were called Iqtas, which were under a faujdar.
12. The sarkars were again divided into parganas. Each pargan had a munsif of amin, a shiqdar and a treasurer called fotdar. It also had Karkuns or writers.
13. In the villages, the patwari was the record keeper, muqqadam, the headman and also chaukidar and quanungo.
14. Sher Shah ordered the revenue officials to measure the land on a uniform basis to determine the exact proprietary rights of the cultivators.
15. He used the sikandari gaz (3/4 of metre) as the unit of measurement.
16. The cultivators were given patta or title deed and a qabuliat or the deed of agreement.
17. The cultivators also had to pay jaribana or surveyor’s fee and Muhsilana or tax collectors fee.
18. Sher Shah advanced taccavi loans to peasants in times of distress.
19. He introduced two coins. A copper dam of 322 grains and silver rupia of 180 grains. His gold coin was known as ashrafi. The silver rupee of Sher Shah was equal to 64 dams.
20. He built the Grand Trunk Road from Sonargaon Bengal to Attoack (North-west Frontier).
21. He built the Purna Qila in Delhi and his own moseleum in Sasaram.
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